Co-parenting advice


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Hey mommas I’m looking for some support and advice my LO will be 3 months this weekend. Her father and I are not together and don’t have a good relationship with one another. He often argues with me about how little he sees her although he can come to my house to see her whenever he wants and every other weekend I take her to see him and I let him have time with her and his family for a few hours. However every weekend he argues with me about how she needs to start sleeping over his house in his weekends because he wants to spend that time with her etc. I’m working on getting her on a schedule she’s been doing pretty good but still not all the way there yet of course she’s still very tiny. I’m not sure how I feel about her sleeping over part of me wants her to have that relationship and time with her dad but another part of me does not feel ready to have her sleepover maybe when she’s 5-6 months but Idk. I was wondering is maybe waiting till she’s bigger will make it harder since she’ll be even more attached to me and aware of that attachment and feel a way if I leave her there overnight but I get so sad and anxious thinking about her sleeping over rn. I think it’s too soon and him and his family are really starting to give me a hard time about that. Please share your advice and /or similar experienceso