Not in love anymore

I don't feel in love anymore with my husband. I'm 8 months PP and thinking about separating. But I hate the idea of having to be away from my baby. I have this fantasy that we can continue living together but just not be together anymore. We don't act like a married couple anyways, we don't even have sex and I hate when he kisses me. I don't know what to do. I don't want to break up the family but I'm not happy and I know eventually our baby will be able to tell. We've been together almost 11 years and it's been the same cycle, wash rinse and repeat, the whole time. I'm tired of waiting and hoping for this time to be different, for things to change. He's not abusive, just selfish and neglectful. He wants to be married to his mom, but only the part of her that dotes on him constantly and does everything for him, and that's not me. We see him maybe a couple hours out of the day, even on most weekends. He's either working, hanging out with friends or sleeping. And when he is hanging out with us he's on his phone. I'm just ranting at this point... He's not a partner, he's another person I have to take care of. The other day I asked if I could shower cuz it's been a few days and his response was "didn't you just shower a couple of days ago?". Seriously? The fact that I even have to ask you to hang out with our baby so I can shower is absurd. I've had the thought several times of if I'm going to feel like I'm doing everything alone then I might as well be alone. I don't mind doing whatever I need to for our baby but I'm tired of having to take care of him as well. I also don't really have any friends anymore after having a baby so I don't really have anyone to hang out with and talk about things. So if anyone wants to play the role of supportive girlfriend I'd really appreciate it!