Advice on putting baby up for adoption

Ill be 22 weeks pregnant pretty soon. Im 30 years old, with two children from a previous marraige. My boyfriend is a few years younger than i. We both work at a hospital (seperate hospitals) I work part time and he works on call but picks up when i work. Currently he got accepted into Medical school to study and become a doctor. He starts this august. But hes been really worried about not being able to be there for our son while doing school. He doesnt want to tell his family that he is having a kid either. We didnt plan for a baby. I was removed from hormonal BC due to health concerns from the hormones... so we were using back up methods like condoms until i could get the IUD. Three days before my app for the IUD we found out im pregnant. My parents live close to me and already help support me with childcare while i work. Theyve been really amazing and supportive. But my boyfriend just kind of laid it on me that he wants to put the baby up for adoption so our baby could have two parents to support him instead of just me while hes in med school, and that it will help me to be able to focus more on my two current kids (7yo and 4yo) i dont wabt to give him up, it pains me horribly. The thought kills me. I feel so lost and dont know what to do. Any advice? Or maybe just prayers, thoughts or opinions are greatly appreciated..... thank you so much!!!