Feeling lonely at work and in life

I have no close friends at work and barely any in my personal life. I do it to myself though because I don’t try to reach out to people. I should make conversation and attempt to hangout but I get tired. And I like my own space sometimes.

I’m not like others who thrive off social interaction I can be classified as an introvert. But I just get lost in my own time off k don’t reach out to anyone else. I mostly do it to avoid the glaring truth that I’m not close with them like they are with other people. So I try not to be around them it sorta makes me uncomfortable when I’m left out of work friend groups and I know I can’t really get close with them. ;( idk it’s like they already have their group and it didn’t include me.

So I’m thinking of finding friends outside of work. I just have a bad habit of loosing touch with people. And not making much of an effort in keeping up with them. ;/ maybe I expect them to do most of the heavy lifting like invites and messages. Idk hopefully this will change and I’ll find the friend group I fit in with. However I am also pregnant and I don’t feel comfortable with my body. I just don’t feel presentable to make friends with me gaining weight and just not taking care of myself.

Idk what to do maybe once I’m not pregnant I’ll be more confident to put myself out there? Idk.