John Rapisarda , MD

American Board of Obstetrics & Gynecology

Obstetrics and Gynecology

1.5k views 6 ratings

Reviews (6)


    Pregnant 2 IUI , 1 IVF (Fresh) , 5 IVF (Frozen)
    Total cost $15000
    April 23, 2018

    John is helpful, kind and very honest. He has helped us so much and was open to listening to our concerns etc


    Pregnant 1 IUI
    Doctor John Rapisarda
    May 11, 2017

    March 16, 2017

    When I walked into Dr. Rapisarda's office the first time I was at my wit's end. Two years, two miscarriages and difficulty conceiving had taken its toll. While other doctors told me nothing was wrong, Dr. Rapisarda said, "You don't have a baby in your arms and that's not okay." I instantly felt optimistic and went on to conceive my daughter with his help in our first cycle of trying.


    2 IVF (Frozen)
    January 12, 2017

    Very good bedside manner, friendly, took time to answer all questions.

    1 IUI , 1 IVF (Fresh)
    January 12, 2017

    I met with Dr. Rapisarda several times to discuss my care, including a meeting to discuss how everything went after successful treatment. Dr. Rapisarda was helpful, responsive and nice throughout the whole treatment cycle. The other doctors I encountered were the same with great bedside manners.


    1 IUI , 1 IVF (Fresh)
    December 02, 2016

    He was always attentive and willing to answer any questions we had.

Overall Rating

4.8 (6 ratings)
Ease of Communication: 4.8 Hands-on: 4.0


Medical SchoolUniversity of Michigan
ResidencyMichael Reese Hospital
FellowshipMichael Reese Hospital