Carolyn Alexander , MD

1.6k views 2 ratings

Reviews (2)



    Pregnant 1 IVF (Frozen)
    Total cost $25000
    March 27, 2017

    Carolyn Alexander is attentive she quickly develops a plan and gets you started with necessary prep for the plan. My plan is egg retrieval with and FET to follow. But before IVF I had to have surgery to correct a uterine anomaly. After we confirmed I did indeed have the anomaly I was scheduled for surgery with her and was able to have it corrected within 2 days. Dr.Alexander is wonderful and I am so happy to be working with her. She has called me frequently throughout the process to give me updates and results. She was great when getting my husbands testing ordered and updating him about me after surgery and explaining our treatment plan.

    6+ IUI
    December 03, 2016

    She is a very professional and kind person I had a pleasure working with her during my hard time. I truly thank her for her kindness and her work.

Overall Rating

5.0 (2 ratings)
Ease of Communication: 5.0


Medical SchoolUniversity of California, Los Angeles
ResidencyJohns Hopkins University School of Medicine
FellowshipJohns Hopkins University School of Medicine