He’s going to college.


Heyyyy, so, I’m about to be a senior next year and my boyfriend of 3 years is heading to college in the USA (he’s american) and I’m back here in DR. I’m afraid he’s going to find someone else or even cheat on me again, because he did it once with this girl whom he lasted like 2 weeks with. This was a year ago.

I’m scared he’s going to throw out 3 years of my life. He has met my parents, siblings, aunts, etc. The whole family, and I’ve met his but that really doesn’t mean anything.

I don’t want to interfere with his college experience but also don’t want to break up. I speak with him about it and he even cries when I mention it. He swears nothing is going to happen and that if he even feels attracted to someone that he will let me know. Even keep me updated with his friendships. This will not be fully true, I know it.

Any opinions or advice?? Please help, I don’t want to end this.