Approaching dating as a single mum


I’ve been dating this guy that I used to date before being pregnant and having a baby. We funnily enough started talking again in my last month of my pregnancy. After having my baby I was fully ready to let him go as being a young single mum I understand that most guys would just rather live out their younger years care free, which is completely understandable to me. Anyways, after my second week home I worked up the courage to finally tell him (at the time I had hypertension and I have bad anxiety so it was really hard for me.), I was so nervous and stressed about things I ghosted him for two days. When I finally got the courage to see his reply I was absolutely floored as rather than calling things off, slagging me, or just being nasty in general, he was the total opposite, if anything so supportive and was asking if i was okay because of the nature of how things came to be with my baby. I was (and still kind of am) on the fence about things and was waiting for him to slowly remove himself, but he hasn't, if anything he's doubled down, planning playdates with his cousins and nephews and even expressing his desire to be the father figure in my babies life. I really love this guy deeply aside from his support he really taught me self respect and what it truly feels like to be loved, respected and admired by a man, but i just don't know how to approach introducing him to baby and i guess protecting the routine and life i have with baby, in the sense that if he opts out eventually, and aside from me, my baby being attached to him and having to explain that he's gone and etc. any advice on how i should approach things and just opinions on our situation in general would be greatly appreciated. (Also my baby is only 3 months, and I want to follow the rule of waiting six months but with us having prior history is why I’m not half as strict with the rule.)