4 yr old acting out more since move


We moved this past summer to a new place which we don't know the language to be near by my daughter's dad because he works there. I've noticed our daughter acting out having screaming fits of her not wanting to leave her half sisters. She'd scream at us and literally flip out. I know its a huge change from living in the states and its making me regret even coming here. She used to be so nice and thoughtful. Now her half sister one of them who is 9 acts out a lot towards her mother in front of her and will slap her mom and have fits if she doesn't get her way. My daughter has been arguing with me more and just not listening at all. I was blamed by her dad saying its because i argue sometimes with my mother over the phone but my daughter never acted this way back when we were living in the states and she was away from her dad's family. I know change affects her a lot. She was diagnosed with high functioning autism. I don't like blaming her half sister about her behavior but it's like a changed kid while shes been playing with her more and acting rough just like shes acts with her own mother i just don't put up with it like her half sister's mother does. What should i do in this situation?