Best friend trouble!

I have already posted this before but it was a bit of a word jumble and didnt  make sense :P
1- the girl i have fallen out with
2- the girl im still friends with
3- the ex of number 2 
Me and 1 fell out and the other night 3 asked me why and i said why. He then said because 1 and 2 said i dont hang out anymore even though 1 said she was not friends with both of us at the start :S . 1 didnt hang out for ages so she cant really say anything and 2 bitched about her to me when me and 1 fell out. I then confronted 2 on what 3 said and she said he is crackers (telling a lie) and then an hour later 3 messaged me saying he wanted to start trouble cause he has no confidence. I dont know who to believe because 1 and 2 have done stuff like this in the past . I dont know what to think and i dont know where i stand anymore :/ what do you guys think ?