advice please ladies

Hi ladies I'm Gemma from the UK. Im 25 and me and my OH (also 25) have been TTC for 2 months. I've conceived both months but I can't seem to get a sticky baby and always end up getting my period. Im currently going through my second chemical right now. Had a positive PT at 9dpo and apart from VVVVFL after this they are now practically negative and AF is due tomorrow and I've been spotting for 2 days now which is not bright red or heavy. I already had inplantation bleeding at 6/7dpo so I'm putting this down to AF but have no cramps yet. I'm utterly devastated that it's happened again and I really don't know how to pick myself up and start again. I've been doing some research (driving myself insane more like) and I've come across alot of ladies taking progesterone! I was wondering if anyone has taken it or know of anyone who has taken it? I read so many good things with people that have had MC/Chemical P.. I'm going to discuss this with my doctor but she is never helpful with anything and I know she will most likely shoot it down. I'm at my wits end now and I just want a sticky baby. Please if anyone has any advice please comment below. It's so frustrating as I'm having no trouble conveiving it's just my baby isn't sticking with me. Thanks ladies