does your baby sleep better being formula fed?

My daughter is just over 5 months. I've been breastfeeding all day & during night feeds & she will just have one bottle of formula before bed. She usually only takes 4oz max as I've breastfed her too.
For past 3/4 weeks she's waking up 4/5x per night. When she'd usually sleep through., she is teething but I don't know if it's that.
So what I'm asking is has anyone stopped BF to formula & it helped sleep? I don't want to stop but this is killing me
It's currently 4:22 am UK time now & ive been awake since 2am up & down with her! I think I'm being used as a dummy/pacifier too. She won't take a dummy she pulls it out of her mouth & just bites the plastic 🤣😩,,
Help plssssssss I neeeed sleeeeeep 😴😴