Just need to rant!

I dont know where to start....I am 21, married with a 7 month old baby boy. After having our baby everything changed. Our marriage, husband...everything. We argue every week about something and it can be silly things but the husband takes it so seriously and make things up in his head and then when he's mad he wont talk to me and gives me silent treatment for 1 or 2 weeks. He has got anger issues and I feel like he is depressed but wont get any help. He doesnt have parents as they passed away so there is no one to advice him or encourage him to seek help. He smokes weed...when he smokes weed hes calm and happy but when he doesnt smoke its like im walking around eggshells..anything can trigger him off. For example today; I made some rice as there was some chicken in the frige so he can eat it when he gets back from work. and i told him I will cook something properly tommorrow but just made the rice. He said I am senseless. I got upset and left the room and he didnt even bother to say sorry. I feel like everytime we argue its affecting me mentally smh. And I feel like i don't want to be here but I am staying for the sake of our son. He doesnt deserve all this. Sometimes I feel like running away from all of this but I cant be selfish and forget my baby boy. He needs me. I wish I could move out but as of now I havnt got job and my family wont take me back as I left him for them. I dont think anything sill get better unless he seeks for help. I feel like my marriage is not working and im stringing along to see if it gets better. How do you know when you should go seperate ways? Any advices would be appreciated. Thanks