Need advice... long post...

For the past 6 months I've been dating a guy I met in my single Sunday school class. He is a truck driver and is on the road 5 days out of the week but we talk everyday. From day 1 he began to get to know my mind and about me before we ever physically touched, it was amazing. He also began to tell me things about him thar he has never told anyone, which I have confirmed. Then about a month ago he started being mean, like snapping at me, for no reason. He finally said he realized i was getting to close and in his heart so it was his response to push me out. that he has to protect himself from getting hurt. i told him i didn't hurt him so he needs to get over it if we want to move forward. he said he finds he sabotages relationships but that he really wants and needs a relationship with me as he has never let himself be loved cause he feels he doesnt deserve it. While he is on the road he talks to a lot of women all he knew before me and most are Facebook friends. he has always shown me the messages and tells me about their siyuations or whatever. His birthday was last week and he has been really different since then. We still talk everyday but he is back to being mean a little and has been ignoring me off and on. He also battles depression and gets really hard on himself. yesterday he ran out of hours so was stuck at a truck stop for 34 hrs. i was trying to let him know i was there for him and not to stress. he started ignoring my mrssages again and i asked him why he does it he said i dont know when to let up sometines and that i bother him sometimes. i said if you dont want to talk to me anymore then tell me. he said just give me a break, i need some time to myself. so i haven't reached out or anything, but i know he still talking to the other women friends. he still plays games with me but we havent talked since then. what do you guys think is going on? what should i do?