My turn finally !


I live a bit far from the hospital so at my last appointment Tuesday my doctor suggested I opted for an induction so i could get my Antibiotics for my Gbs in time. So I agreed and he said they'd call me when they have a spot at the hospital but it would probably be Thursday night or Friday. Then out of nowhere I got a call saying they had a spot in a few hours at 5am that night ! So I agreed and got everything ready. Me and my boyfriend decided to leave an hour early so we can relax at the McDonald's across the street and just look at the view of the Vegas strip and enjoy our last breakfast alone before the baby was born. (Helped relax us and the quality time was nice ) Then when we got to the hospital it was basically empty so everyone was really attentive which was nice. They started me up on an IV, the induction medicine and the antibiotics for GBS . I felt fine was happy, smiling, and talking the whole morning. The nurse at the early shift was a new training nurse and she blew up 3 veins trying to get the iv in which hurt and made me pretty faint , but I insisted it was fine because everyone starts somewhere . My pain went from about a 0 to a 3 and a half at the most . But I decided to get the epidural anyways just in case the pain got worse. It wasn't that bad at all, I actually went from like a 2 on the pain scale at the moment to like a -1 because I felt better than I did went I came to the hospital after I got it ! Would highly recommend and for sure use it again in future births . So I ended up getting a stronger epidural later because the first one wore off . Unfortunately the second one was already pretty worn off when it came time to push so I could feel the stinging a bit. A slight complication later with baby's heart beat dropping and going really high out of nowhere , but the nurses quickly realized it was because he was laying on his umbilical cord so they had my lay in certain positions and have an air mask on the whole time to keep him stable, I also kept falling in out of sleep the whole time I was waiting for push time and the air mask was actually pretty refreshing and helpful with falling asleep . Finally they came in woke me up saying I had crazy close contractions ( I couldn't feel them that much) I pushed for about an hour and 20 minutes and the baby's head was half way sticking out which burned and hurt so bad , that's when the nurses said they would then call the doctor up to help with the final pushes to get the baby out. They called the doctor and she was 30 minutes away ! They made me lay in pain with the baby's head half out for 30 minutes and wouldn't let me keep pushing ! It hurt so bad! I was crying and begging to push him out, and my boyfriend kept kissing my head and saying the doctor would be around soon. Eventually she showed up and we got the baby out ! But that waiting time really was the worst agonizing 30 minutes of my life . Guess I deserved it for have a super easy labor other than that. Had a tear slightly upwards from labor but I didn't even need a stitch I was up and walking around a few hours later , I was also really scared to pee because of all the stores but it wasn't that bad no stinging really , probably because I tore so little . And at the end I got a heathy 7oz 19 inch baby boy ❤️ 10-25-17 which also happens to be me and his daddy's anniversary. His name is Able and he's the love of my life.