I need help deciding

Hello Ladies and gentleman.

I’m in need of some serious help. I’m from the uk btw.

I love my husband but he sucks life out of me. He wants to be in control of thing such as how the house should look like, what should be Home and what shouldn’t be at home( like baby’s old toys, petty things basically), he makes me feel worthless, he is always right. He sometimes over think some things and cause us to have some arguments that’s unnecessary. He doesn’t know how to deal with emotions so if I was to cry he would ignore me.

He had children from previous relationship which he don’t see so now when we had our baby, he started telling me how to bring him up( if he cries leave him to cry it out. It breaks my heart, don’t carry him if he cries) He think he’s a baby whisperer. Things got hectic after bay because he has different way of brining baby up but I disagree as it seems too cruel to handle babies like this. We had some big arguments this year. Last argument got physical and I stayed away from him for a week( after that my Mum gave us a bit of counselling and persuaded me to try again ) so I’m back here trying to make it work. But I feel like the relationship is draining me out. I’m with him cos I love him but it don’t look like he loves me that much to make things work. I tried looking for jobs but gets rejected from everywhere. I don’t have a uni degree so job places don’t even bother to take a second look. And when I do have a chance to work I don’t have anyone to look after baby (husband is the main provider). I want to leave but I have no means of income and then I would have to listen to Mum saying what poor decisions I make( I left my parents for him then after baby my parents got back into our life). I’m stuck due to financial aspect, and no place to go. I deserve so much better than this. When we were together for 6years he wasn’t like this. But u only truly get to know someone when u live with them. Ugh. I need some guidance and help ppl.

Edit: Thank you Lainy and Sapphire for commenting. Sapphire yes I’m in the uk. I would love to do that but my mum wants me to try and live with him for the sake of our baby and for community reputation or whatever it is called. Even when I was physically hurt Mum was siding with him saying he’s providing for family and all that