What would you expect?

C • CJB 💙 CAB💞

What would you expect of a father to be if you weren’t together?

He claims he wants to be involved but cannot be arsed to get a job, doesn’t check up to see if we are doing okay? Hasn’t asked about the results of the screening for, downs, Edwards and patasu syndromes .... hasn’t yet brought a single item for the baby despite seeing its heart beat twice ... doesn’t ask about apportionments and expects me to chase his arse and drive him to all of them ... has gotten all the times and dates wrong of appointments I’ve had despite being told multiple times ... I just feel there is no effort what so ever for his unborn child?

How can he claim he wants to help out and be there but do absolutely jack shit now but expect to get all the good bits of the pregnancy?!

Am I wrong?

Am I being silly thinking he should get these things right?

Am I wrong for not chasing his arse telling him all the appointments and waiting for him to ask as before I’ve told him over and over for him to get them wrong anyway?!