My Ups And Downs Of TTC

Tayla • TaylaJonesx

Hi ladies,

Me and my partner have been together for 6 years, I’ve been off contraception for at least 5 years, we have been TTC on and off but never taking it to seriously because we haven’t wanted to take the fun out of it as we are still young (mid20’s) but still not one positive test 😞!

It’s been hard on me and affecting my mental health,

everywhere I look I see someone pregnant or pushing a pram and wishing everyday it was me.

I’ve now had enough of not really trying because I’ve always thought you try to hard and stress to much and it just won’t happen so we have been to relaxed.

I have recently started tracking my periods and checking when I’m ovulating so this month I’m currently in my third day of ovulating and we have had sex for two of them my actual ovulation date is tomorrow 27/7/18 so we will continue until the cycle ends and hopefully we will have a BFP at the end of the 14days.


If this does not work which I’m really not expecting it to as it’s only our first month making sure the dates are all correct and really ‘trying’ etc.

I’ve purchased ovulation kits to make sure the app is matching up what my body is really up to inside 🤞🏼 we are getting it right.

Reading all your stories is so inspiring,

And ready through I’ve noticed women using Pre-Seed and it working.

Can ANYONE give me some information on Pre-Seed and how it has or hasn’t worked for you??🤔

We are both in our mid 20’s and enjoying life and would never give up hope so early on in age so we will continue to enjoy but there is nothing more we want is to make it the three of us.💜

So a shout out to all the lucky lady’s that are so blessed even if it was a struggle in the beginning because your The most inspirational because you DIDN’T GIVE UP to sprinkle baby dust to all that’s struggling.

Thanks lady’s.
