Really worried 😢🙁


Hey ladies well my period is know late by 2/3 weeks it can be late sometime as I've come of pill last September and my period have got back on track till the last few mouths and know it hasn't come at all. I have taken test and negative so not pregnant but I'm concerned as I've been getting cramps and symptom of a period but nothing there ??

Not sure what it could be but I need to go back to how i was other wise how are me and my boyfriend meant to try for baby when I'm not having period so I'm not ovulating.

I thought by know my period would go back normal, at first it was every 34/35 days know it like 45/50 that can't be health or normal I was never

Like this before I was on pill 9 years ago so why would it change know. Any ideas please xxxx