1cm dilated, 50% effaced, -1


This would seem like a bad thing, BUT it’s the same as I was a full week ago and no more changes yet! 🙌🏻

I’m 28 weeks now. Praying to make it to at least 30 🙏🏻

Tomorrow will mark one week in the hospital on bed rest, 2 weeks since I noticed my bump shrinking and noticed weird cramps and sharp pains in my pelvis. I’ve been taking vaginal progesterone since Monday night, and I think it’s working to stave off further cervical changes!

Been having a few painless Braxton Hicks here and there, a few cramps that aren’t regular or timeable, and lots of pelvic pressure. BUT. My cervix hasn’t changed this week and that gives me SO MUCH hope for making it a couple more weeks at least 😊👍🏼

Feeling somewhat positive for the first time in days.