Multiple failed embryo transfers question

Ally 👼🏻👶🏻✨ • Many years in the making, IVF miracle baby born & one angel in the sky

Hey, has anyone else had multiple failed embryo transfers? I’ve had 6 embryos fail to implant and one MMC. Tried medicated and natural FETs. Now having to do another

<a href="">IVF</a>

as we have no frozen embryos left.

Wondering what your dr has advised after it for your next

<a href="">IVF</a>

or if you got a reason why they resulted in failed implantation and BFNs...?

So far we’ve done Nk cell testing which came out slightly low so dr doesn’t think we have a uterine immune issue. He’s advised an endo scratch before transfers to boost NK cells.

Can anyone think of any other tests I should suggest as dr hasn’t suggested any others.