Went to the doctors today........

Ash • 31.Wife.Mom 💛💙💙💛💛

And we discussed options in regards to it already being a year out and no babe. Periods have been sporadic here and there (missed February, August, October and November) due to my PCOS. Otherwise this is the closest i have ever been "normal" for my cycles since after being off my birth control Skyla.

Figured getting new labs wouldn't hurt to make sure physically I'm okay and we aren't missing anything.

Next step if bloods look good would be to see a fertility doctor.

I'm not going to lie.

I am scared. Scared to death.

My DH and I already have two healthy little boys (7 and 2) but we would love to add on to our family if we can. Otherwise if this was meant to be; us only having two kids than so be it.

We want two more. But I'm afraid of our insurance. Last time they tried to say I was infertile (which was a mistake that got fixed) they weren't going to pay for anything. I can't even imagine how much clomid may be. 😣 I'm freaking out.

I never post anything on here but I'm asking for prayers, baby dust, support.

This week I'm ovulating so I told my DH to suit up because we are going to Baby Dance multiple times a day this week, every day😂.

Love you ladies. Thank you for all your positive stories, photos, comments, everything and anything on this site in the past. I have hope because of you. All of you. ❤❤❤❤