Piercing help

I've had my piercings for over a year now and over the past few weeks have noticed it becoming very uncomfortable and painful. Does anyone know if this is something to be concerned about or will it go away if I continue cleaning it?


Thank you to everyone who left a comment. And for anyone who was wandering, I had it pierced with a needle. This was caused by me having long hair and constantly getting it caught and not being careful or gentle. I have learnt from my mistakes and from now on will be much more cautious of all my piercings so this doesn't happen again.

I went to my piercer and asked them what I should do. They told me that I shouldn't take the piercings out because it may cause more problem to the bump. The said to use tea tree oil at first, a few drops mixed into a salt water solution, and then apply it to the bump, as well as cleaning as normal. They said to do this 2 times the first day, or two and then if It seems to help, use tea tree oil by itself on the bump until it clears up. I did this and after the first day it looked like this

Then when I started using only tea tree oil, for only two days, it already looks like this

It did bleed quite a lot at first when I started, however my piercer said if that does happen then it means it most likely wasn't a keloid just yet, but is glad I went to them for their advice before it got any worse.