Need some advice

We’ve just found out we are unexpectedly pregnant (was on the injection). My husband is really not happy about it. He wants me to get an abortion. I don’t want to have an abortion we are about 6 weeks pregnant.

A little back story

Both our boys have special needs (autism/adhd/sensory processing disorder) and my husband has special needs too. Yes the boys are a handful sometimes and it is difficult but I feel like we could do it. He says we just won’t cope with another one and our boys need us now more than ever and if we add another one what’s to say that one won’t have the same. I just don’t know what to do.

Will reply on here as want to stay anon x

Lariana- financially we are fine, emotionally I’m ok he’s not. With disabilities I don’t know it’s kind of a 50/50 thing they have it or they don’t it’s just a risk I feel we have to take.

Ashley- We live in the U.K. and that’s a good idea take him to talk to someone to mediate between us too. Might have to as I don’t think we can get a decision equally. It’s a simple I want it, he doesn’t xxx

Mindful- couldn’t do adoption at all. It’s not for me xxx