Cheater update


I found today that my boyfriend of nearly two years cheated on me. He went on a night out and went back to her house that night. They’ve been texting for three weeks and met back up again yesterday and had sex yet again. He works away so he has been living at my house and going home at the weekend to visit family and that’s how they met. I found out today because she wrote all over my social media. On w photo I posted of my self and him. I feel so betrayed and I can’t believe this has happened. We’ve been planning to move out together all year and planning to start a family very soon. I feel numb. I hate myself. He said he did it because he didn’t want to upset me by telling me he doesn’t think that we’re good to stay together anymore. Like he thinks he just loves me as w friend at the moment. I don’t know what to do and I love him so much that I feel like I’m willing to see past it but I don’t know what the hell to do and I need advice


He finally left me two days ago. Says he wants her and if off to see her next weekend. It broke my fucking heart. Everything was done over text and all he can see is he knows he’s a horrible person and sorry. All done over text. He blocked my what’s app but still tries to call and blocked me on Instagram. He still has me on Facebook and snap hat and sees everything I does I don’t really understand why. I’m heart broken and I’ve never been this hurt before but I’m trying to get through it slowly. I’ve not really eaten much at all since Tuesday and I don’t really know how to force my self to be happy and healthy. I’m having a hard time. Someone who cares for you this much shouldn’t hurt you this bad. We were going to start a family n he’s done this. I guess it’s better now than later but I don’t quite know how to get over it and it’s really braking me down and making me feel so worthless.

Advice on what to do would be great.