Folic Acid side effects??

I don’t know if this belongs in this section (I am in my 30s!) but I was wondering if anyone is experiencing the same as me or has any suggestions to help.

I know I need to be taking folic acid whilst TTC and during the first few months of pregnancy. We’re only at the point of TTC right now (over a year of trying so I’m having medical investigations) and I’m trying to take my supplements but they make me feel sick/nauseous to the point where I can’t stand to take it for more than a couple of days. It also sometimes gives me an upset stomach.

I’ve just switched from a straight folic acid supplement to a folic acid/iron/vit D supplement instead to see if it’s any better. I’m on day two of taking it and so far so good but I’m so worried that I won’t be able to continue taking it and if I ever finally get pregnant, my baby will not be protected.

Does anyone else experience side effects from taking these supplements?