2 day ”bleed”, 7 day late period... is this implantation or period?




My last period was on the 7th July for 4 days as normal. So my period was supposed to be due on Aug 4th ( 7 days late) and then I had pink/orangish watered down bleed with milky white discharge on the 10th Aug, then a slightly heavier bleed on the 11th - 12th Aug with thin looking clots SORRY TMI! (Used a tampon) accompanied with really intense cramps similar to menstrual period (especially on the 12th) , and the “bleeding” got lighter like the one on described on the 10th August (wore a pantyliner)

I also had a light 2 day “bleed” on the 19th and 20th July which only needed a pantyliner (15 days before my period was due on the 4th Aug, and 9 days after my period which was on the 7th July). I have taken up to 6-8 tests, all negatives.

I track with Natural Cycles and it says my confirmed ovulation date was 28th July, 8 days after the 2 day bleed on 19th-20th July.

Within this period of time I have been experiencing nausea, frequent urination of upto 8 times a day, deep tiredness (and I mean DEEP), ravenous hunger pangs every few hours or so, cramping, heavy flatulence, body weakness, hot flushes and mild headaches. I didn’t notice a glitch in my menstrual cycle until I realised all these symptoms then I realised “oh crap my period aint even here yet!”

Ive taken tests... all came back negative.

Could this be implantation bleeding or my period? Does it depend on when the bleeding stops that determines what it could be? When should I test??

Im not TTC however I will be very happy with either outcome :)