Line eyes 🙄


I’m five days late as my app saids, and my other app saids I’m also late as well, but after having a chemical pregnancy in July and then realizing that I haven’t had a period since my chemical pregnancy, but after I had an unusual period that lasted up to 13 days which has never done that before!! ONLY 7 days, so I feel like that my period hasn’t been on track since. And now since it saids I’m late and not having a period in August, so yesterday I was like fine I’ll buy some test, and then I bought the 3 pack of first response but it was mid afternoon so not morning urine, and it came back negative and I didn’t know how to feel. I felt like I could see a line but I also think it’s because I want to see it and I know where it usually would be so I can kind of see it “line eyes” lol! And my boyfriend just thought I was crazy!! HE COULDNT SEE IT 😩😩! Ugh and I also feel like when I talk about this waiting game situation aloud i somehow then start my period! But I’m just hoping and praying to god that this month is my month and if not this month then the next! And to all of you out there as well! 🌼💕