Please help

So, I’ve had a toothache for about a week,, i thought that it was my molars,, because I always have a toothache that lasts for a week,, and it happens once a year. I thought it was just my yearly toothache,, so I didn’t bother to look in the area where the pain was. it’s been almost 5 days now with the toothache,, and I decided to look in my mouth. When I looked in my mouth there was this HUGE bump with a yellow head on my gum at the top left of my mouth in the back,, I brush my teeth everyday,, and I have never kissed anyone. So as I was trying to shine the light from my phone on it,, I tried pulling my jaw back a little to get a closer look,, and it stared to bust, it was this yellow puss mixed with a little blood at the end,, I started getting lost of tissue and wiping it out of my mouth before it could touch my tongue. And when I was done,, the part where the puss was coming out was red,, almost like blood. This has NEVER happened before,, I have never kissed anyone,, because im only 14,, i brush my teeth everyday,, sooo idk what this could be. Can someone please help me,, I am TERRIFIED,, I don’t know what to do😭