Vaginal Dryness

Okay this is super TMI, but i used to be wet allll the time. Even when it is not appropriate to be wet. I would be wet for nooooo damn reason. Now it’s drier than the Sahara Desert. What i mean is that with my SO when we start getting intimate i just can’t get wet as much as i used to. I’ve noticed tiny drops of dried blood as well in my underwear. No i am not pregnant. i just got off my period and we have not had sex since then. I’ve tried everything, from coconut oil to drinking water ALL THE TIME,to even taking a break from my antidepressant to see if it affects it because that is a side effect of it.

(which i know is very bad pls don’t comment on it, i tried it for two days and got right back on schedule)

I have absolutely no clue what to do. I’ve been sexually active for around a year. Please help!