Greyish clots, normal?


I have regular periods, but this month I noticed I was a few days late. Nothing to worry about, my cycle varies a little and we're moving house so I figured the stress was having an effect.

My period started during the night and woke me, it was painful, I felt nauseous and couldn't get comfy. My husband brought me some painkillers and they eventually kicked in. I used to have painful periods all the time but they've eased off a lot in recent years however I was caught off guard by a painful one a few months ago causing me to leave work early.

I've had my usual symptoms all day but I just went to empty my cup and found a lot of greyish clots. They're not big but oddly pale.

Google says it's early miscarriage, but I'd be surprised. We've not had sex much in the last cycle and when we did we used condoms.

Anyone else have this?