40+3 pains when I sit down - start of labour

I have been having Braxton Hicks for weeks now, when I sit down I get pains in both my bump and my back- these are more painful than the Braxton Hicks I have been having recently.

Could this be the start of labour? they seem to go when I move around though

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Just from experience of back labour and 'normal' - both without epidurals, no amount of moving around will ease the pain 😬 so during a contraction being led down, sitting, lying down ect won't make it better .... Only the break in between.Could be from baby weighing down on your cervix/head pushing down.If they come in waves and you can start to time them then that's normally the real deal 👍


Posted at
I’m having the same! Really tight contractions only when I’m laying or sitting down. Feel like severe period pain radiating from back to front, but they disappear if I move 🤷🏻‍♀️