too self loathing for sex?


I'm tired of relationships and trying to spend ages on the kind of chase people are into these days, talking stages and trying to convince someone to be loyal, that kind of shit. life blessed me with a vag and by god it's about time i used that motherfucker again, so, my friend and I have been considering going to parties and just hooking up with strangers and people we know but don't have feelings for, etc.

[[ before you come screaming into the comments, yes, i always have and always will practice safe sex, and no, I'm not a minor ]]

the problem is I just get so icked out by the concept of sex sometimes. The idea in my head of someone else seeing me naked and vulnerable and making weird faces just makes me feel so uncomfortable. Do I hate my body that much? Do I hate sex? Do I just not think other people would find me attractive? I don't know! But it's putting a real damper on our plan to be slutty. I just imagine what I look like in those situations and I feel horrendous. Anyone else feel like this or am I losing it?

- if you want to judge our decision then go ahead and judge but don't expect me to pay any attention to what you think of it. my body, my rules, I'm the one keeping myself safe, so if you think I'm some kind of nasty harlot for wanting to slag it up, that's fine, but maybe don't snap at me for it! thanks ✌️