Why did I bother?

I had a male friend and that's all he was, my fiance flipped and accused me of cheating so I blocked and got rid of this friend, it's been ages since that and this friend has tried adding me from a different account today ( I deleted because I didny want the hassle from my fiance).

I thought that I'd better tell him other than not tell him, wanting to be truthful about it. I now feel like why did I bother? He says he trusts me yet had the cheek to ask what I done with the request? I feel if he trusted me he wouldnt have to ask.

Hes now angry at the fact I've had the request and will not drop it! I feel hurt because I dknt feel like he trusts me, I've never given him reason to not trust me.

He even turned round and assumed I'd be angry if certain people added him to which I responded, all i would say is good for them. I wouldnt care if they did to be honest.

What should I do if he keeps bringing the whole request thing up? I've told him I dont want him to keep bringing it up.