Dream of falling in love with someone else.


So I’ve been with my partner for 4 years, we’re engaged and trying for a baby. I love and care for him dearly, our relationship is good.

We never had that whirl wind Love. That kind of love that makes your heart melt, butterflies in your tummy, jump up and down excitement. When we kiss, sparks don’t fly.

The realist and adult in me, tells myself that that dopamine rush is temporary. It’s not needed for a a great relationship. I tell myself I’ve watched too many romantic comedy’s and that love is mush deeper. We look after each other, we laugh together, where a team, we have the same morals and beliefs. Surly that is a mature loving relationship?

But... every now and then I have a dream of falling in love with someone else. I experience the bliss of falling in love. The longing, the thrill, the passion. I wake up I feel upset, guilty and worst of all sad that I know longer feel that way.

What is your perspective on this?

I feel so confused.