Who's right?


So this morning I got up with my 4 year old and left my 18 month old asleep next to my sleeping husband. Me and 4yrs went downstairs and were making tea, had been down about half hour ish. Next thing I know, I can hear 18mnth shouting "mum, mum, mum!" he's on the stairs, having come down 4 already, in his sleep sack. Husband is still asleep 😤😤.

I don't feel like I've done anything wrong here, I've left my sleeping child with his dad. In my head that's a safe thing to do.

Husband is saying how should he know what's going on because he was asleep. And that I should have woken him up.

If it was the other way around, I would have woken up if 18mnth got off the bed, let alone opened the door and started walking down the stairs! It's not like he would have been quiet about it either!

It's really bothered me, and husband isn't even sorry about it. His words, "how can I be sorry, when I was asleep"

Maybe I'm wrong, but I dunno. What do you think?