We never take pictures together!!

I'm feeling a little low today, We was together a few years, very rocky because hes scared of commitment so we ended up separating, nearly a year of having nothing at all to do with eachother we slowly ended up back together, it's been about 4 months now and we've still not taken one picture together, I'm not on fb but he is and he's posted not one thing of me on there or even that he's in a relationship, he does still have other women on there that he started interacting with during our long separation and I kind of feel that hes keeping me a secret? I've not mentioned it to him, his family and some friends know that we are back together but i just feel quite low! He was also very loving and caring towards me, always calling me throughout the day, messaging me and just popping around to spend time with me but this last week he doesnt bother calling or messaging, seems like he doesnt want to talk if I call him or ignores my messages for ages and then in the evenings will say "I was just going to stay home tonight but thought I best come and see you for an hour or two" during this time all he wants is sex but before he would just be happy chatting, hugging up, watch a film or something! I've just had an operation 3 weeks ago and he was very supportive through that, helped me every single day, I'm still in a lot of pain from it yet now he expects me to stand making him food while he just watches tv and calls me lazy if I say I'm in pain! This is actually very frustrating for me because I am an independent woman and am currently restricted to what I can and can not do due to recovering so I can see that things might be getting boring or a little routinely but I just dont know what to do? If i should stick around or leave? If i try talking to him about little doubts he makes me feel terrible for it, at the beginning he had the attitude of we arent getting any younger it's time for me to be a man now settle down with you, start a family of our own (he has no children) but now he wants to use protection says he doesn't want a baby just yet and is dragging his heels in just moving forwards in the relationship even though when we was first together all he wanted was a baby and kept leaving saying he could find a woman who could give him a baby (I had some issues that are sorted now 🤞🏽🤞🏽) but now hes the opposite and I'm just really confused!!

*UPDATE* I think I'm just going to leave, Its just the heartache of knowing that I love him that hurts, I know he has it in him to be a good, loving and caring man to me as hes shown me that he can but I need to face reality that it's just fake and possibly just love bombing from him 🤷🏼‍♀️😔