Pregnant and bleeding? 6.5 weeks


Hi 🙂

I’ll give you the back ground…My last LMP was the 15th of May. I went into hospital on the 3rd of July with pain on my left side and pink and brown spotting. (As this is my 7th pregnancy I kind of know what to look out for. Unfortunately no live children 😞)

They told me I had a cornual ectopic and needed the baby and a corner of my womb took away. I was distraught. I was then told I needed to wait to be scanned again in a few days time. At this point the consultant said come back in a week it might be ok. I did. I went back and another consultant said no that’s not ectopic and there’s a heartbeat. I burst out in tears as I was not expecting this news. He stated I was a lot earlier than what I thought but this could be down to my irregular periods. I was just happy with the fact the little bean had a heartbeat. He did say it was a high risk pregnancy due to placement of the pregnancy but everything looked ok to the point he said come back in 2 weeks we don’t really need to monitor you. Which confused me after him telling me I was high risk. It was a transvaginal scan.

Within 2 hours blood was pouring out of me. It looked like a crime scene! Bright red blood and (TMI) but it felt like gushes of blood but I passed no tissue at the point. I expected the obvious with the amount of blood that left my body I just sobbed and sobbed. The bright red blood stopped after around 12 hours and I just continued with brown discharge and brown blood.

2 days went by and still no tissue but constantly wiping and seeing brown blood and discharge. That was a week ago. I’m still spotting brown blood (it’s always worse in the morning).

I take cyclogest 400mg morning and night and started taking it rectally thinking it might affect it but it’s still the same. I thought it might be down to cervical erosion but surely it doesn’t make you bleed for this long?

The picture below is first thing and the most I ever have wiped and have checked since and nothing is on the paper. I’m so upset. The hospital are scanning me tomorrow but my nerves just can’t take this. It’s usually light brown but each morning it’s always darker.

Has anyone got any similar experiences? I’m roughly 6.5 weeks.