Sick kids? Husband being a dick

Well we are 2 weeks into school and I’m pretty sure my 7 yr old son is getting sick but my husband says I need to get over this whole “he’s sick” faze and it’s just allergies. Granted, our son is on allergy medication because he does have allergies but since yesterday he has been sniffling from an on and off runny nose, and now today his eyes are watery and red and he’s sneezing a lot more then normal and his cheeks are red along with in general he feels sticky sweaty but my husband won’t let me take his temp he hid all the thermometers from me so I can’t. My husband’s whole philosophy is if you don’t check his temp he’s not sick. Our son is acting fine not sick or anything but I’m just worried cuz I don’t want to send him to school and just get called right away to come get him cuz he is running a fever or worse case has covid but my husband philosophy is you don’t test for it you don’t have it and it’s only cuz when out daughter and I had it he missed 10 days of work and it was all my fault even though he had time to use to cover for his paycheck but I know right now he don’t cuz he has yet again switched jobs (3rd job in 3 yrs) and has no time build up yet.

He’s telling me the prescribed medication that we get for his allergies does nothing and we need to have him on a allergy medicine that cost more money because I guess the $10 allergy medicine we get right now isn’t a whole and $10 can’t do shit and he’s naming off all these allergy medication and I told him he’s already been on one of those and it didn’t help at all it only made him very hyper and caused issues when it came to bedtime and he said no he hasn’t I know the medication he’s been on but he don’t know shit cause he doesn’t know to bring our children to the doctors or anything like that or even pick up the medication from the pharmacy.