Embarrassed and confused

Hello, I have got a problem where my vagina is always wet. And during intercourse with my partner it gets so bad and I worry it ruins the feeling for him, it's like a lot of water and wetness down there even before we do anything. And it just gets worse from there. İs there anything I can do to control this or is it a sign of something?

Advice please :(

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Posted at
Umm…pretty sure that means your healthy and hydrated. Dryness is a problem. Not wetness.


Posted at
Being wet is normal. It’s lubrication.


Posted at
I have the same issue but I’m not embarrassed at all the wetter the better😂


Posted at
I have this issue with my current partner, I even expressed concern like you are now and his exact words were “what? Don’t ever apologize or worry about that, it feels so much better that way.” So since then, I haven’t worried. I figured it would take away the friction but he says no. So unless he has expressed to you that it makes it harder or not feel as good I wouldn’t worry.