Who else’s toddlers do this?

Ella • 💗 Everly-Grace 19/4/19 💗 💗 baby girl to come 19/6/23 💗

A few things that my 3-year-old has done and I want to know if there normal 😭

1.) just about 10 mins ago she had a hair tie in her mouth, i told her to get it out of her mouth before she chokes on it, she goes no and I go well do you want to be in a dangerous situation she goes yeah, I go to the bathroom and leave her just for 2 mins, she got her wrist stuck in my fairy lights around my bed I said just why why would you do that she goes because you told me to take the hair tie out of my mouth, I said oh my Everly 😶 I was shock!! This is her wrist stuck in my fairy lights (I got it out)

2.) running around naked, she does this a lot and it most of the time leads to having an accident on my floor or bed, o try get her dressed and she doesn’t let me because ‘she doesn’t like the clothes’ or she just doesn’t want to! She kicks and screams and I tell her no, she runs off in a corner for a sulk, she only settles when her dads there and he’s at work half of the time!!

3.) telling them no and they kick and scream, if she does anything and I tell her no she screams, gets upset, runs into a corner, I say I can’t always say yes to you or let you do whatever you wish, it’s good to let them make their own decisions, but not everything they do is the decision, it makes me feel like a bad mum, but every time this happens I ring my mum, she’s really supportive and said me and all lf my siblings did this and made her feel like a bad mum she says I’m the best mum ever ❤️

Do your toddlers do this? Thank you mums <33