Just got my bfp this week and don't want to sound pessimistic but I'm not convinced all is well

Just got my bfp this week and don't want to sound pessimistic but I'm not convinced all is well. My fiancée and I have been ttc for 2 years and this is our first month on clomid as blood work showed no evidence of ovulation. I got smiley face on clear blue opk(peak fertility) on 9th May and we bd day before this and also 5 days after. I got my first faint bfp on Wednesday (2days ago)and it has got stronger since, however only a teeny bit stronger. Got 4 positive FRER yesterday and one negative clear blue digi which I regret pissing £10 down the drain now as realised probably too soon for digi, did the clear blue plus this morning which was in the pack with digi test and it's a faint positive again. I've just finished quite a heavy period, which arrived exactly 28days after the last one, yesterday was last day and finished with light but very red spotting. I have rang the doctors today as I thought they could take my blood to check if the pregnancy was failing but doctor said they wouldn't know until later so would not take blood at this stage, also said evidence of ectopic etc would not show until a few weeks later so really nothing to do at this stage, said could be early miscarriage but also that all might be fine. Slightly 'cat in the hat' for me but nothing else I can do! I'm not stressing just feel a bit deflated by my eventual bfp and its obviously because of my 'period' I just had which also included my usual 9/10 on pain scale type cramps, honestly tell my partner it feels like labour for around 5 hours of the first day I start. He now says tests must be wrong as he saw how much pain I was in on Monday and bled for 4 days solid. Test is stronger today than it was yesterday AM so what is going on?! I know that what will be will be and nobody can tell me what will happen but I just need to vent. Also doctor really makes me feel like an idiot whenever I ask for advice. The fertility clinic said (last time I saw them) they would scan and take blood to check levels but GP just told me they wouldn't do that. Grrrrrrrrr . Tried the clinic but they only open 3 days a week so couldn't get an answer and they won't be open again until Monday when they will probably listen to my frantic voicemail. Hope you folks are having a better day. I was so pleased just to have got a smiley face to say I'd actually ovulated this month so am still in shock about BFP, I was thinking baby steps not baby already! but not getting excited until there's some evidence, even a stronger line tomorrow would pacify me slightly but just need to try and put it to back of mind for now. Has anyone else had their period at usual time, same flow, pain etc but then went onto get a bfp the same week or soon after? Thanks!! X
Thurs afternoon test then one below is from this morning, clear blue one looks like a smudge line rather than an actual line but even with my bad eyes I can see it! X
Another picture of the same clear blue test, line more visible here but still very faint going to buy more FRER today and try and wait til Monday to retest
Today's test is darker again so good positive thoughts :) getting some strange waves of 'not quite cramps' but a milder almost cramp that disappears before it actually causes any pain, not going to over analyse though. Beautiful sunny day today so been a walk at the beach and going to relax tonight. I hope in a few days the lines are almost of equal shades, I've read if you have a chemical pregnancy the hcg would take a while to go back down, sometimes weeks, but it wouldn't go up further once you'd bled, anyone know ?
Have had a few days to relax ...or not lol maybe just a few days have passed. Been testing every day and panic hit yesterday when my line was lighter so today I went and got another digi clear blue and it came back with this 
Spoke to fertility nurse yesterday who said they would scan me at 7 weeks, not even sure when 7 weeks is as I thought I got my af a week ago so do I count from my April period starting or from this month, so confused! X