when should I test again?

So I think I may have experienced IB on the 10th it lasted for around two days and slight spotting on the third, I was not due to come on my period until Friday 14th which I had no signs At all. I took a pregnancy test on the Thursday 13th as I was to eager to know for sure if that was IB I experienced, it was a clear negative!! I updated my cycle on glow and it then pushed my due date a further 2days which brings me to today the 16th, stil not signs of bleeding or cramps etc. I have now updated glow again and it has pushed my due date for my period a further 2days. If I was to test again today should I see a positive by now if I am or would it stil show as negative? 
Any advice welcomed?? 
Really confused and my head is working over time.
Thank you for reading!! :) ❤️