babysitter. opinions pls

So my upstairs neighbor is a young (24) single mom with an ok job (wawa) over night. Since her baby was 3 months old I started helping her out watching him (for free) in the mornings so she could get some sleep while the dad worked. The baby dad left soon after I started watching him so I was asked to watch the baby over nights while she worked. I agreed to $150 per week ( 4-5 nights per week, 10pm - 8am) since I knew her job wasn't supporting the most income and I had experience with infants so I figured I'd help. The baby is now 7 months old and his mom (my neighbor) I feel has kind of been taking advantage of my kindness. Without asking she usually drops him off at 8pm and doesn't pick him up until sometimes as late as 11pm. Also she does not provide clothes or jar food only 2 premade bottles. Now I have no problem helping where I can however I only work about 18 hrs a week with my day job. So the money she gives me for watching her baby goes right back into food and clothes for him. Do you think the wages she provides me is fair or should I ask for more.