Menstruating? Or other health problem?


So last month I kept forgetting to take the pill and so I was bleeding on and off, and I messed up my cycle so I decided to take a month out and then get back to it.

I told the guy that I was seeing and the plan was to use condoms.

After I stopped the pill, I had a period (standard) and we had sex on the third day, we didn’t use condoms as we were out, but he pulled out and I figured there was only a 2% chance that I’d already ovulated anyways, my period ends four days ago (three days after we have sex) but just now I’ve been bleeding again - at the moment I think I might have started a period early but it’s 3 weeks too soon, and usually stress and external factors make me have a delayed period, not a premature one. Does anyone have any suggestions of what else it could be? I have none of my normal period symptoms (no bloating no cramps and no back or breast pain)