Medical mystery?

In a day and age where Drs can perform surgery with lasers and through tiny tiny holes. A day when we can ‘fix’ things when a baby is still in the womb. Why is it that TTC naturally is such a limited area of medicine. Why is it we *hope* an ovulation test is accurate and we haven’t ‘missed’ it. And wait 2 weeks for a possible result? I just don’t feel like enough has been done in fertility research. It should be easier.

We don’t have to ‘wait’ for anything these days, we have fast food, Prime delivery, credit. But still a two week wait.

Maybe this is just my *another negative test* mind making me pessimistic, but I don’t think this part of fertility has really improved in years when there are

Medical advances all the time in other fields. I feel like this ‘pain’ has been left behind...


