UK ladies?! Midwife help???


So I've just found out that I am pregnant (4 weeks and 5 days going by Glow), I'm feeling very pms'y and the cramps are the EXACT same as my period cramps so I'm a bit concerned. I went to the doctors yesterday and he was absolutely no help whatsoever. He told me that the embryo might not have even attached yet and I need to just wait it out (although I got 2 positive pregnancy tests so surely I have implanted already?!)...he didn't tell me when I will get to speak to a midwife or when my first appt is. he basically just told me to leave...So I'm super nervous as it's my first and I just want it to all go smoothly and I wouldn't mind having a doctor/nurse or midwife to ask questions etc but I feel so alone?! So I'm asking all UK ladies, how did the NHS treat you? should I change doctor's? Is this normal? 🙁