Being asked (or not) ... you pregnant yet!?


I keep reading...

some of you lovely ladies have pressure from friends & family when they say things like “when you having a family” “you not pregnant yet” etc etc...

My reality is that I’ve not been asked once... not once...

I’ve been with my husband for 20yrs and married for 7. I have 2 step daughters now aged 24 and 25yrs and I am 42 years old.

The frustrating thing is, people presume because I’ve married into a ready made family, I don’t want a family of my own. They may think im too old, or my husband cant possibly be wanting an extended family at his age or I’m not maternal, when I absolutely am. My body is screaming out to be mummy.

We’ve been TTC for 7 years with no luck.

If not successful this month, will be starting <a href="">IVF</a> in January.

But nobody asks.... which at times I

don’t understand.

I can’t talk to anyone about it because of their presumptions.

Their presumption, for what ever reason is really upsetting at times.

I don’t know which is worse... not being asked EVER or being asked loads!?

In reality, both scenarios seem pretty harsh.

Lots of love to you all.

Good luck 🤞

I hope we are all mummy’s in 2019 xx

PS: anybody else going through this... stories are welcomed xx