Question for those of you who are religious



Thanks so much to everyone who has taken the time to reply. It’s really interesting to see everyone’s thoughts on this!


I am an atheist and so do not believe in God / Heaven / Hell etc.

One of the questions that plays on my mind however (and Iv yet to see an answer to this anywhere) is around the concept of Heaven.

Now as far as I am aware, the major religions all promote the idea of an afterlife where people who have adhered to the requirements of that particular religion go when they die. Eg Christians who accept Christ go to Heaven.

Heaven as far as I understand it, is the place where God is and somewhere where you will be eternally happy and at peace.

Now this is where I struggle and am looking for answers from those of you who are religious.

The example that I think of is this:

I am a mother of two young children who I love with all my heart. I could never be without them. If one day I was told by a doctor that I had a terminal disease and only had months to live, as an atheist I do not think I would go anywhere after I died. I would simply cease to exist.

But if I believed in Heaven, I don’t understand how I could go there in those circumstances and be happy.

If I were to die and leave my children behind, no matter where I was I would be devastated. I would be heartbroken that I wouldn’t be there to watch them grow up, to cuddle and comfort them, to do all the things a mother should do for them. It would be hell for me to know they would be without me.

So my question is: how could someone in that position possibly be in Heaven and yet feel so devastated? Does it not completely negate the idea of what Heaven is supposed to be (eg eternal happiness)? Even if you were to argue that God/Jesus etc would comfort your family, I know that I would feel like I was in hell to be without them no matter where I was.

I guess my question is, how do you reconcile the idea of not wanting to leave people behind and being eternally happy in heaven?

PS: I’m not looking for a debate on the existence of God - that can be saved for another day!

Cheers my dears!!