Whenever I bring up how I feel he does this...

Have you ever had to be the constant strength in a relationship? It’s the hardest thing...

My boyfriend texted me today and said “wish you were here.” I replied with “ I wish I was too” (I’m away for work for two days) and then added “I feel stressed today babe” And he replied “yea me too. I feel just shitty and sad and all the above.” I said I loved him and tried to help him feel better. I wrote “When I look at you I see a man that covers me with love and makes me feel like a queen whenever I enter a room. I see a man who will excel in this life - even if he can’t see it. You’re gold to me. And I’ll always see you that way.”

He replied “Thanks. Yeah I mean I just feel not every good.” And I began to console him more.

But I seem to always do this... whenever I bring up how I don’t ‘feel good’ or I’m ‘stressed’ he admittedly says ‘me too’ says “I’m depressed” “I’m sad” “you deserve better.” And now I’m just consoling him. I want to be consoled for once. Because when he does this, how I feel is now diminished, it’s forgotten/replaced with how he feels now. I just want to express my heart and how I feel sometimes about - life. Because I, I just want my heart to be heard. You know? I’m a constant support for everyone around me. But whose here for me? To listen to my fears, my heart. I try to tell him how this hurts my heart when he replaces my feelings with his, and how I want to listened too as well. Because I honestly do try. But I constantly have to be the strong one emotionally in this relationship. I just want to have a moment to cry too.... also he never made note of the love I expressed to him in that message I wrote. Nor did he reply back with why I was stressed or said something comforting back.